East meets West (Winter 2022)

Go to hell who? The class of 2026 learns from the experts.

Freshmen in the house: New students pose for their official class portrait.

Volunteers pitch in with freshmen move-ins.

Students grab rhyme time with the Poetry Fox during an orientation block party.

Actress Retta ’92 speaks with Gary Bennett, vice provost for undergraduate education, at the Sophomore Spark Summit, part of a beginning-of-year event designed especially for sophomores.

Students enjoy “The Social Network” during movie night on East Campus during orientation.

Nasher co-curator Marshall N. Price and museum director Trevor Schoonmaker address the crowd gathered for the opening of the Roy Lichtenstein show.

Students at the Freeman Center celebrate the Havdalah service delineating the transition from Yom Kippur back to ordinary daily life.

Students vibe to a "Music in the Gardens" performance during orientation.

Duke Divinity School graduate student Chase Benefiel rehearses a recital on the practice side of the carillon inside the tower of Duke Chapel. Benefiel plays each weekday at 5 p.m., a tradition for more than 50 years of the former carillonneur, the late S